▶︎ Format: E-learning
▶︎ Level: Beginner
▶︎ Duration: 2 weeks/2 online class
The advanced Param-o course trains students to master the functions, nodes, … of Param-O.
Training Objectives
The goal of this course is to introduce the importance and potential of Parametric, build a foundation for higher Parametric applications like Grasshopper in Rhino
Target Audience
This course can help supporting expert users who would like to master their skills with Archicad.
Please note that it is not mandatory to follow the sequence of the Modules. You can pick and choose any topic that you are interested in and watch the appropriate videos.
Software Requirements
In this course the videos have been created using the International language version of Archicad which means that the work environment and some of the content may be different if you are using a different language version or Archicad template file. To get the best training experience we recommend you to use latest Archicad version.
Have Questions?
Contact us at contact@graphisoft.vn